This tool will allow you to verify GPS metadata for all of your images quickly on a Satellite Map view while on-site to ensure you have 100% coverage for your capture using the Zeitview Pilot App. This tool works on an iOS device or PC browser only. Keep in mind that on iOS, this tool is only available to users who use the Zeitview Pilot App for an automated flight.
To view the PC guide, please click here.
- The Coverage Checker tool on iOS will only present itself within the Zeitview Pilot App after using the Zeitview Automated Flight tool when flying an applicable mission.
- This tool will only appear when you have an applicable mission.
- If using another coverage check tool, (for ex. DroneDeploy), you don't need to use this tool.
- Please use the latest version of the Zeitview Pilot App.
* This is NOT an upload of your mission. You will still need to upload all assets as usual after checking coverage.
How to use
- Within the Zeitview Pilot App's Flight Screen. Begin your mission by pressing the start button on the far right-center of your screen (Blue/White Arrow).
- While in-flight, the app will place red markers where images have been captured. Please note that the markers shown during the flight are only meant to be a visual aid and not to be interpreted a 100% yes/no of whether or not an image was taken in that position. In areas with poor signal, it's highly probable that an image marker may go missing even if the drone did indeed take an image. If an image marker goes missing, we recommended completing the flight and using the Verify GPS Coverage feature during the coverage review flow to verify the image GPS positions shown in the following steps. The images shown from the SD scan can be interpreted as 100% true. Please assess whether a reshoot is necessary by the image markers presented after the scan flow and not the markers during the flight.
- After the flight has completed, you should see a pop-up message asking if you'd like to verify coverage. Tap Review Now.
- You should now see the same image markers from the flight on a map. In this example, you can clearly see that the markers recorded during flight show signs of potential poor coverage. Since these image markers may not be completely accurate due to poor signal we will need to initiate the Coverage Verification tool to verify adequate coverage by tapping No. Alternatively, If the coverage looks good during this step with even spacing and no missing markers you can go ahead and tap Yes to complete your mission and skip verification.
- After tapping No from the previous screen, begin the coverage check by tapping Verify Now.
- The tool will begin to scan and verify coverage by individually reading the EXIF metadata on each image captured on the flight. This process requires a solid connection between your mobile device and the drone, please ensure that the drone is nearby and powered on. Poor connectivity, as well as the total number of images on the SD card, have a direct impact on the amount of time it takes to scan the images
- Once complete, you will be presented with the location of all images captured by red markers on the satellite map. If coverage looks good, tap Yes to conclude the mission. Otherwise, recapture if coverage is poor.
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